Leaders, Ladders and Life Changing Events: Applying Type to Facilitate Change

Presenters - Katherine Woodburn Hirsh (INTP); Elizabeth Hirsh; Andy Thomma (ENTJ)

Monday, July 17 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

All of us face life-changing events (LCEs) that range from combat deployments to graduating from high school, from losing a job to changing roles when taking care of parents, from entering a treatment program to taking parental leave. What these situations have in common is that they demand that we find a "new normal," a place to land that connects us to our past and at the same time paves a way for us to move into our futures. In this highly interactive session we will look at how knowledge of psychological type can make the journey - either for ourselves or for those we are supporting - that little bit more sure-footed. To do this we will introduce a model of leadership rooted in the platinum rule—treat others the way they want to be treated— which is applicable both to self and others and focuses on openness, curiosity and appreciation. We will explore how this approach to type and LCEs can help us all become more self-compassionate and self-accepting and in turn use this greater self-awareness smooth our own path and to assist others in navigating LCEs large and small. Using the concept of a ladder—you can go up, down and step-by-step—we hope to show participants how to lead themselves and others, connect with their full selves as well as with others, and use these experiences to grow and develop.