Gracefully Engaging the Inferior Function

Presented Virtually by Dr. Katherine W. Hirsh

Thursday, September 19, 2024

(9 - 10:30 a.m. PT, 10 - 11:30 a.m. MT,

11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. CT, noon - 1:30 p.m. ET) 

Do you tend to think of your Fourth or Inferior Function as an enemy, a stranger, or the trap that you fall into when you are stressed or overwhelmed? Would you like to feel that you are calling upon your Inferior rather than it taking you over?

In this session we will explore methods for engaging with the less developed and less conscious aspects of the self and delve into how perfectionism, attempts to fit in and the scarcity mentality can inhibit our ability to harness their gifts. We will focus on how you can use your Inferior Function alongside your Dominant or First Function – providing more balance – as well as on the role of the Inferior as a gateway to the Collective Unconscious – providing more energy.

The goal is to help you and your clients engage in more mindful expression of the Inferior (and by extension other non-preferred aspects of self) that facilitates it being a spur to graceful growth and development. Join us for an experiential and interactive session designed to help you and your clients move from the idea that the four-letter type code is an endpoint to the view that it is the starting point for an amazing journey of self-discovery.

Session Learning Outcomes:

Gracefully Engaging the Inferior Function is designed to deepen your knowledge of type dynamics and type development by:

  • Surfacing your assumptions about the relationship between the Dominant Function, the Inferior Function and the drive to balance and wholeness
  • Creating a blueprint for type development that embraces the gifts of your Inferior and acknowledges the limitations of your Dominant
  • Appreciating how energy for growth emerges once we work with rather than against our psychological type


Katherine W. Hirsh

Katherine W. Hirsh, D.Phil. is a facilitator, writer and coach She is co-author of several books on type including The MBTI® Teambuilding Program: Leader's Resource Guide (3rd Edition). She has been using psychological type personally and professionally and serving clients across the globe for over twenty-five years. Katherine's preferences are for INTP.


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