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A Tour of International Type Conferences - David Pool
Saturday, January 23, 2021, 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM PDT
Category: APTi Chapter Events

This event is being hosted by the Portland Chapter of APTi.

Does Covid-19 have you feeling cooped up? Come join us for a tour of International Type conferences in England and Australia!

Have you ever wondered what our British and Australian sister organizations do for their annual Conferences? Join PAPT Treasurer David Pool as he shows slides from his recent travels in the past few years to these international destinations. David will highlight his two trips to England in 2018 and 2019 to visit the BAPT Type Conferences and his trip to Australia in 2019 for the AusAPT Conference in Melbourne. Come get an introduction to some of these thought-provoking English speakers, see what the conferences are like, and sample a potpourri of presentations.

The program will be followed by a get-together after the presentation for discussion. Feel free to bring along a snack - we are inviting guests from Australia and England so we hope to have some international representation.

Not only is this an opportunity to see what’s out there in the broader world of type - we will be looking for feedback from you about which presentations/speakers you would like us to follow up with for future PAPT presentations. Who knows, if you get excited enough - perhaps this Fall, the New Zealand location might be the beginning of a whole vacation trip that could transform your life!

About our presenter:

Presenter David Pool is the Portland APT Treasurer as well as an MBTI Certified Master Practitioner. In addition to studying Psychology for his Bachelors degree at the University of Illinois - David is working towards a PhD in Jungian Psychology (though the Covid pandemic has impacted that pursuit). David is also certified as type profiler via the Personality Hacker program (and a fan of their podcast). David also attended the USA’s APTI conference in 2017 - while not in this program, some comments and any questions could include that event as well.

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